Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Gerakan Konsumen Hijau

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GTKwxVk5t8 Gerakan konsumen hijau or Green consumer activity is a moral act in order to create a proper living environment. The point of this act is pushing society to care more about environment than ever. It started since Enviromental Impact Assestment (EIA) in 1970’s which obligate all industries to put environment as one of decision making factor. Unfortunately, not all industries are all cooperate with that obligation. For example companies claim their product to be toxic free, but what about things like pencil ? toys ? if it is toxic free, what is the alternative ‘non toxic’ material they use? Or maybe AC (air conditioner) company claims theirs to be Non-Chlorofluorocarbon aka ozone friendly ? but they really not? And the consumer or society to be exact, didn’t care about this matter at all. Consumer don’t realize that it isn’t about the earth but rather our own body and safety. But the future of our planet and ourselves isn’t hold by a person, it holds by the whole mankind. This green things we are going to explain will be meaningless unless the majority of us do it. It is for us, as a human, as a creature who live in the earth and it is the only place we call home. Let me tell you what are the benefits : • It pushes industries to be responsible with their product and tell us every single fact about their product • The society gets benefit for having so many safe product alternatives • The green activist gets benefit for lower the earth exploitation and people will be more responsible with those exploitations • The industry gets benefit for a precise amount of raw materials since everyone count on raw stocks they took from the nature • If this act really works, the consumer gets their real power to ask those industries to pay for what damage they’ve done to our body and the nature and again gain some guts to face their responsibility. All we have to do is to care more about the product we buy and asking for more exact information regards the product we are going to use. And also think far beyond about the damage we will cause if we choose this product compare to other product. For example : • Using handkerchief instead of tissue • Buying products once at a time to reduce packages and less shipping cost of course • Not buying used-once kind of product • Not using lights and electricity all the time • Etc Lets save ourself, our generations, and our planet so one day no one will blame each other for what mankind has done. Goresan Tinta Emas


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